Separate but Equal
Having two older sisters growing up I cried a great deal about things not being fair. From my view things were never fair but I was a kid and didn’t know any better. It was my parents place to know best on matters of what was fair. As an adult and parent myself now it is my place to decide what is fair for my girls and it can be tricky. I have seen it many times recently, parents too busy keeping things fair between their kids. While as a society we complain about the “everybody gets a trophy” mentality many of us are doing just that in our own homes. Need an example of what I am talking about? The non potty training sibling getting treats and prizes too but they are not doing the work, the other sibling getting gifts on birthdays so they are not left out, everyone having the same bedtime, the child who does not eat enough dinner still getting dessert. You see where I am going now don’t you. The times when we as parents just give in to what is easier than facing the truth with our k...