A Wonderful Gift
Over the past few weeks I have been reflecting a great deal about this Christmas. This was the first real Christmas in our house with Santa and I have been wondering how it went. I have been thinking a great deal about the gifts the girls received and if they were on target or over board. Then I stopped being “Mommy” for a moment and actual considered the gift I was given by my husband. I then realized that I had been so wrapped up in seeing everything from the girls’ point of view that I completely missed how wonderful and perfect Jason’s gift to me was. Anyone who knows my husband and I know that we are very different from each other. When we first meet he was everything I never wanted and everything I really needed all in one. I was nothing like the usual girls he found interest in as well but somehow we connected. I joke that his world is “black and white” and mine is “grey”. We very rarely see eye to eye on current events, politics, and religion… you name it and we probably d...