Two Very Different Ideas - Good Elf vs Bad Elf

The most interesting thing about parenting is that there are so many different ways to approach it. Different methods, ideas, standards and when you find the place that is just right you make your parenting home there and are on your way. Sounds like bliss right? It is nice until you meet others from different camps and there is judging on both sides because each person has their own views on the topic.  This is to be expected and as parents you just go with the flow.
But, what happens when you don’t see eye to eye with your partner on parenting? What happens when the standards at home are not the same? Well, I have known that my husband and I see things differently from each other and parenting is no exception of that. While I do the reading and research he tends to follow my lead on a lot on things but on occasion he acts outside of his ranks and does it his own way. Understanding that my way might not always be the best either I come at these times with an open mind and let him take the lead every now and then.
And that brings me to last night….. and Eddy…..and the girls……and this morning…..and tears.
So, last night under our newly decorated Christmas tree was a book “The Elf on the Shelf” and a little red elf. The girls were so excited about this first gift from Santa and their new elf friend Eddy. After reading the story and reviewing the rules we said good night to Eddy and went to bed.
Now thanks to FB and Pintrest I have all kinds of fun Eddy adventures in mind and could not wait to begin. As I picked up Eddy and walked to the kitchen I told my husband “I am going to go ahead and move Eddy”. At which time he said “I already know where he should go”. Taken back by his enthusiasm about the small elf and that fact that he had already put thought into I simply said “ok” and handed the little guy over.
Jason quickly walked over to the ledge we keep the toy “Time Out” box on and set Eddy there. As I looked on hoping that that would not be Eddy’s final resting place he said “This will be a good reminder for them to not have things put in time out.” That is when cute fun Eddy turned into “Militant Eddy the Evil Elf”. While I wanted Eddy to be a fun light hearted reminder of behaving well my husband wants him to be a no fun guy who is an informant to Santa.
Not wanting to make a big deal about it I thought to myself “really how bad could this be, it is just one night.” That brings me to this morning when the girls were so excited to see where Eddy was. As they search the house while I was making breakfast I hoped the game would just be fun for them. Then Kendal saw him and exclaimed “I find Eddy, I find Eddy” and then the lip popped out and the eyes filled with tears and she said “why he in timeout, we not touch him, he not talk, why he in time out!” This was quickly followed by similar cries from Ainsley as she joined her sister. I tried to explain what my husband’s logic had been to them but it was a lost cause at that point because their new elf friend was still in time out in their minds.
So, tonight Eddy is mine! I feel I owe the girls a lot after the melt down this morning. As for the differences in views I can only hope when I tell my husband this story he sees things my way. Because, on this topic I feel that I am right. Good by Evil Elf and hello Good Times Guy.


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