It's Potty Time - Intro

A Tale of Two Potties
It was the best of times, it was the worst of is time to start potty training my girls. 
I have to be honest, I LOVE DIAPERS! I love the freedom that diapers give you when you have a toddler. I can run errands all day, have a play date, or go on an outing and not have to worry about where the closest bathroom is (and how clean it is) or look for signs that my kids might be on the verge of an accident. I even love diaper butt in leggings.
Now, you may wonder why a mommy who loves diapers so much and whose kids are not yet 2 ½ years old would take on potty training if there is no rush. The answer to this question is easy, mommy per pressure. It seems like every time I turn my head another one of the girls’ friends is making the transition to big kid underwear and I don’t want the girls to be left behind. Scratch that, I don’t want to be left behind as all of my mommy friends get their potty training merit badge.
So, that brings us to our current situation. Tomorrow is potty training day and I am dreading it. Despite the fact that I am armed and ready with wipes, carpet cleaner, floor cleaner, potties (4 stand alone, one travel seat, and one additional seat), sticker chart, panties with all of the favorite characters, and rewards I have not slept the past two nights due to anxiety over how the next few days and weeks of my life will go. I have read all about the 1 day, 3 day, bare bottoms, pull ups, potty watch, diaper free, “are you dry”, “do you need to go”….. if it is about a kid and potty I have looked at it and I still feel lost.
I keep telling myself that eventually the girls will be potty trained and that “no kid is still in diapers when they leave for collage”, but if I can’t get it together mine might be the first.


  1. Love it! :) Also, glad you are sticking to plan from convention! :)

  2. Ack! First, I'm stoked to see a new blog in my reader! Second, don't stress too much...I'll be right there with you and I'm guessing my tears wont be the only wet thing hitting the floor.


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