Me as a Mommy

So, this is me as a mommy. A title I always knew I could have but one I never thought that I would get. I always said that kids smell funny and were a lot of work. Well, I was not wrong they do smell (currently mine smell like pee and wet animal crackers) and this is the hardest job I have ever had. I think motherhood is harder them my past jobs because I care about this one. If I fail, gulp, or get fired, I can't just find something new or move on.

To get my title I gave birth to two wonderful needy things at the same time. Yes, I am a lucky mommy of twins who are now almost 2 1/2 years old.

Having twins is hard work, not because there are two of them and only one of you, but because people always stop you and ask you one of the following -
* Are they twins?
* Are they identical? Always followed up by "Are you sure"
* Do twins run in your family?
* Is IVF hard? (yes, some people think that is the only way people get twins)
* How do you tell them apart?

These question are then followed by -
* You have your hands full.
* I always thought it would be so fun to have twins
* You look great for having twins (which I take as "you don't look as good as people do after having one)
* I know someone with twins.

At first I liked the questions. And by this I mean the first week or so. Now I just want to go along on my way before the girls or I have a meltdown while shopping. When you have multiples people think you are like one of the reality shows on TV and just want to watch and ask questions. For the record, my answers are-yes, no (followed by we have not had them tested but that is what we are told), no, not sure didn't have IVF, one has a fatter face. And yes my hands are full, so if you could get out of the way so I can maneuver my double stroller around you as I pull a full shopping cart behind me that would be great. Oh and by the way during those first few months of 4 middle of the night feeds I just kept thinking how much "fun" I was having. Really!


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